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  • Writer's pictureElsie Zajicek

You Are important

I was challenged recently to explore the relationships I have in my life. Not just the obvious relationships you think of like spouses or family. Relationships you totally invest in, that’s what we're talking about.

The other day during therapy we created a simple exercise for myself to practice. It’s so simple it’s stupid. All it is…write down, “ I am important”.

That was it. I carry the card with me everywhere because I need this reminder. When I start developing any kind of relationship I immediately set aside my life and make others' feelings a priority. I expect everyone to know that I take on their feelings and emotions. I want them to know that I would do anything, like make myself feel less important, to make them feel full inside.

I had no flippin clue I was subconsciously doing this. It comes from setting healthy boundaries and knowing YOU ARE IMPORTANT.

Because I have set this standard in my head, I expect them to do the same. And it’s what causes some of my heart ache because I’m expecting to get loved back the same.

So don’t set the standard, don’t make yourself less then. And don’t love anyone harder than you love yourself. You are important baby.

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1 Comment

Sarah Ramsey Rasmussen
Sarah Ramsey Rasmussen
Sep 19, 2022

you ARE important and I love the stock you are taking in yourself to ensure you are the BEST Elsie you can possibly be! You GO GIRL!

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