The whole idea of setting goals, creating expectations, and all together making a day about a “new” you used to be very enticing to me. I would tell my mom every year, “ I’m serious about the diet this year”. I would write out my secret workouts I would do in my bedroom late at night. I had a plan for this “new” you. Until I realized it was only really feeding my anxiety. I’m not setting these goals out of self love. I’m setting these goals because everyone else is doing it too. I wound up every year trying to make the perfect goals and reflecting on the past years’ goals I didn’t accomplish. I was just a ball of anxiety flooded with my own disappointment at this point. It didn’t need to be this way.
I look at the new year entirely differently now! I remind myself this day is merely a day, with a theme, I love themes, but just a day. A day to reflect on all the past successes and overcomings. A day to turn a new leaf and have a blank start. As I walk into 2024 I am so proud of all I have learned in this past year. I’ve learned to lean in and accept the growth even when it feels uncomfy. I’ve learned to embrace the hardships and acknowledge the feelings that come with them. I’ve learned a lot and I can’t wait to keep going in 2024. Here’s to a day full of sparkles, glitter, and whatever you make it to be!