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  • Writer's pictureElsie Zajicek

What's Your Goal?

I’ve been asked a lot lately about what my goals are in life. Truthfully I have no fucking clue. But, I’m aware I don’t have a clue so that counts for something right?

Does anyone feel the same way? You know, not having a fucking clue? Say it. Say it loud and proud. It feels good.

My goal was to be the skinniest Elsie who would look so hot in business casual slaying a corporate girly job. I went after the body, career, and attitude. *This is where ED circles in* and now, fast forward to 2022……

I’ve pulled my head out of my ass and learned through therapy how constant things change and how we can change with them. We get presented with new experiences that help shape our new goals. And that’s exactly what I needed to do. I felt in a rut because I was working so hard toward goals that weren’t fulfilling to me anymore.

SO CHANGE YOUR GOALS. There is no right or wrong. They are YOUR goals.

I used to wake up every morning thinking, “ what am I going to battle with today”. Like wtf nothing is wrong! And ladies and gentlemen this is a mindset we need to change asap. We were gifted another day so I’ll be damn if I wake up again not grateful for the sunrise. Let's wake up and chase what sets our souls on fire! Let's fall in love with livin’ again.

Take a second today and look at your goals. Are they still your goals?

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