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  • Writer's pictureElsie Zajicek

Pull the stick out of your butt!!!

a wake up call people! YOU NEED TO CHILL. Seriously pull that stick out of your booty pronto! To everyone who is laying in there comfy bed right now or in your feels at a coffee shop I'm telling you to shake off whatever tood you're in because life is aMAZEing! (I really hope y'all got the joke there!)

In the midst of my summer I made sure I was super busy so thinking about ED wasn't an option. I was up at 5:30am... people that's literally the crack ass of dawn and I did it willingly! I woke up early went to crossfit, had a protein shake, went to my internship, contemplated lunch, went home napped for a hour so I wouldn't eat, then headed off to my waitressing job, and before the night ended I found myself sitting on the couch at 10pm eating an apple for dinner. This my friends is how ED sneaks into my life. This is ED's go to. Constantly tearing my body down making me think there is nothing wrong with what I'm doing. Going through my day was wayyyy more difficult then it needed to be. I was not getting enough sleep so I was delirious, not getting enough nutrients, and just barley making it by! My acne started to flare up, my hair was thinning and I was still, what I considered, fat. I seriously thought my life couldn't be worse. Then one night I was completely and utterly OVER IT. I can't tell you what came over me but I'm so grateful that my eyes were finally opened to the world and its endless possibilities! I'm blessed with a roof over my head, I have a family who loves me and countless other blessings and I'm over here feeling bad for myself! Like what the heck! I had it all wrong. No no, I had it backwards, sideways, backwards again and then kitty corner from craziness! Thats the moment I pulled the stick right out of my booty and told myself over and over again that I'm going to be ok.

I use this tactic all the time and it's super duper simple! Whenever I'm caught in the midst of a storm I no longer get sucked into it. I step back, wrap myself up (yes I give myself hugs because who else is going to!) and repeat to myself, "I'm ok, I'm ok, I'm ok." I'm no where near perfect nor is ED completely out of my life. But, I'm here to tell ya that it will all get better if you truly want it to. You have to be bigger than your storm and know when enough is enough. Draw the line. Put your foot down. Stand up and fricken tell ED to buzz the fricken frick off! Because folks, today we are pulling the sticks out of our booties and NOT, BY ANY MEANS feeling like garbage about our wonderful, blissful lives!

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