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  • Writer's pictureElsie Zajicek

Imagine This

I want to talk about a concept. A concept that will change you. A concept that's going to make you step back in life and say damn, this girl is so right. It's a concept I pray about to the big man upstairs that this brings you your "a-ha" moment. It's a "me" concept. And with that.....welcome to my TED Talk.

Ya see we're all chasing towards something. We're running into oblivion like chickens with our heads cut off to find that one thing that will make us truly happy. We go after guys/girls, hoping the attention of someone else will fill our void. We go after certain edgy styles because that will gain attention from our peers. We try to look like the girls with Instagram fitness accounts. We try to get our make up flawless by following silly Youtube videos. We try to do 1,000 million ba-jillion things outside of ourselves that HELLOOOOOO will burn us out!

So what if we just stop. We stop chasing. We stop chasing unattainable body images. We stop trying to make our room look exactly like it does on Pinterest. We stop scribbling bronzer on our face and START to embrace our freckles. We START to love the way we look in bathing suits. We START to find joy in our obnoxious laugh. Because people the only way to be truly happy is to start with ourselves. The perfect whatever were going for doesn't exist. You were created to be you and I was created to be me. I wasn't made to look like Susan who came out on top of her mid-life crisis and is now incredibly fit. No ma'm thats her job and I hope she fricken loves it.

But here's the thing I hope makes sense. There is no rule book about how to live your life. You get to write your own rules and make it however you want! My book consists of me dressing like a grandma (because I can), eating dark chocolate (because it's my favorite and I don't care if you think its gross), and belly laughing (sorry not sorry if its obnoxious). But this is my "How To" book. So if your "How To" book says get pink hair by all means you get that pink hair and strut it girl. If in your imaginary book it says you like listening to Michael Bublé's Christmas album by yourself, do it. Well I expect you to be blaring that sucker with your Santa hat on!

And thats is the end of my Ted Talk, thanks for joining:)

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