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  • Writer's pictureElsie Zajicek

I Ghosted my therapist...

I ghosted my therapist…

I fucked up and didn’t use the skills I was taught by therapist #1 to properly execute the ending of this relationship. But I'm aware that ghosting her probably isn’t nice? I really need to stop using being self aware as an excuse, HAHA!

Anyways, I ghosted my therapist.

I just wasn’t experiencing breakthrough in the ways I was hoping. As I always do, I thought my experience with therapy would be like the movies. I would go through some shit. Go to therapy, cry it out. Walk out with a clean slate.

WTF. That is not therapy.

Therapy gives you tools to support the things you need help with. Therapy is not there to dump your trash and walk out sparkly clean, as though I thought. I went to my trusty friends and we just started talking about how therapy is going for one another. I brought up how I felt stagnant, at a plateau. Although this feeling is completely normal I went ahead and started looking at other online therapy options.

Even the thought of this I hate. Once someone knows me I get very comfortable in the idea I don’t have to explain why I am the way I am. Knowing I will have to explain the history of my eating disorder is absolutely gut wrenching. This drama I created lasted for about a month until I bit the bullet and signed up for Betterhelp therapy. I don’t want to make this seem like an ad but, please ask me about how it’s going because it’s fucking awesome.

If you are considering dumping your therapist it’s ok I did it too.

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