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  • Writer's pictureElsie Zajicek

Easy peasy lemon squeezy

It's just easier.

It’s easier to be a people pleaser. It's easier to let guilt in and let it take over. It's easier to let depression, eating disorders, grief, and self doubt win. It’s all fucking easy!

I’m here to give you a reminder: just because it’s easy doesn’t make it right. You’re going to need to do some hard work if you truly want to get better badly enough. Trying to recover and fill yourself with knowledge instead of neglect is no walk in the park. SO GET TO WORK. Strap up, because you are going to put up a fight and not choose the easy thing.

Prepare for the hard days, be ready for them to come. Just remind yourself, amidst all the crap, you have always had it in yourself. You can do this. You have the choice to stay where you are or build the life you’ve always dreamed of. It’s just on the other side of hard.

Face the hard and get to work on yourself. Start getting up early and give yourself a lil morning routine! What’s the worst that is going to happen? You end up getting up early and seeing the sunrise? C’mon now, get up and get to work.

As George Addair once said,
“Everything you want is sitting on the other side of fear.”

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