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  • Writer's pictureElsie Zajicek

Don't Question it

Don't question your circumstances. Don't question me. Don't question the moves someone else makes. Don't question it. I know I'm not right 100% of the time nor do I have all the answers but, I do know what I'm doing and why I'm doing it so please DON'T FUCKING QUESTION IT.

Do you ever feel like people are constantly questioning you? Me too and here is what I have to say about it,"Fuck it.". You know your plan so don't question it. Let your gut lead the way and take you to where you're meant to be in life. So what your college degree doesn't feel right anymore? Don't question it. Follow your gut and don't let others stuck questioning you slow you down. This is the only life we get to live. Don't let the opinions of others dictate the direction of your life. At the end of the day you have to live with your actions, thoughts, etc. So do what feels right. Our time is limited so don't waste it achieving what you think others want. Go for what sets your soul on fire. I have so many things that set my soul on fire. And while it may look like a mess to the outside, currently I feel so happy knowing I'm pursuing what makes me happy finally. For so long I lived my life pleasing others. So much so I lost touch with myself and what I truly wanted for myself. I'm finally relearning what sets my soul on fire and trying my darnest to make it possible for myself and others. It's definitely a weird journey relearning to feel your emotions and thoughts. It hasn't been easy explaining to ones I love what season of life I am in right now. But they don't need to question it. I got it.

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