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  • Writer's pictureElsie Zajicek

Criminal Minds = Therapy?

The internet tried to teach me something last night.

I watched on my little screen as a woman went on to elaborate the importance of your bedtime routine, and what it can show you about yourself. For example, she explains why some people with a violent past feel it soothing to watch violent films before bed- the gunshots in the film remind them of the gunshots they heard when they were little.

I really liked the idea of understanding my routine because at the time I’d not thought much of it. And if I was being honest with myself, violent shows like Criminal Minds (my kryptonite) is one of the only things I could find consistent in my bed time routine. But why? I didn’t grow up with crime. I grew up in good ol’ South Dakota.

So I sat and thought about what the woman on the internet said, and what my habits were showing me. Now, there are probably a million reasons why a person watches Criminal Minds. But, what if we are attracted to their process? The way the characters stop to process the facts. The way they slow down to process their environment.

We can relate it to our own practices. Start to notice in conversation yourself, pause to process the facts. Slow down to process the emotions that may come up. By picking up this practice you are constantly opening up new ways for yourself to grow. You will start to understand your actions and process those in the past and your new actions in the future.

And I do not take credit for this tool. By the help of my therapist I have learned how to process what life throws at me and slow down to react in a healthy way.

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