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  • Writer's pictureElsie Zajicek

Buckle Down Honey Bunches

Being ready. You can be ready for a test, you can be ready for a date, but have you ever thought about being ready for change? This is something I came across that truly hit home to me. You can talk a big game, my personal fav, about how you're so ready for change; how you're going to do this and that and life is just gonna be fricken unicorns and rainbows. Here's the catch- If you are not ready for change it's not going to come. And I'm talking about change that comes from within. Superficial change can be fun and all, but what's the benefit from that? What's the benefit of anything being superficial? Personally, I want to change from the inside out. I want more out of myself and that most defiantly does not come from some superficial bullshit.

Here's the hard truth, if you aren't ready to hear someone say "you are beautiful" and fully believe what they are telling you- well then darlin' you just aren't ready. For me it's the idea of someone telling me they love me. I can't grasp the fact someone could feel something so strong for me. But now I'm ready, and I'm drawing the line. I will no longer let I love you's go to waste. I will not let what people are trying to tell me go to waste.

I'm ready to finally be ready. I'm ready for new goals, new opportunities, new everything! So when you have a second, sit with yourself and visualize change. Get yourself ready because beautiful things happen when you are finally ready for this change.

For me I'm ready to be the person I've always wanted to be. And it's going to start with I love you's. I'm going to be that person who will say I love you over and over until you believe me. I'm going to tell you how happy you look day in and day out until you see it in yourself. I'm going to hype you up with all the self love until your confidence finally comes back to you. So ED consider this a warning because you're going down stupid head.

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