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  • Writer's pictureElsie Zajicek

Babies crawl and so do I

When I first decided I actually wanted to get better I had this immense feeling that I was unstoppable. I felt sorry for anything that thought they could get in my way. Like c'mon, someone please tell me how I was going to be stopped. I have this amazing family, wonderful friends, and the best support system out there. There was no way I was going to fail. Hell no man I don't fail. LOL. Honey, dear, sugar bee, did I fail in every single way imaginable! I had this timeline in my head on how this journey of getting better would go but you all know the answer. Nothing comes as you planned. You CAN NOT plan for when life hits. You can definitely try. Go right ahead I'll cheer for ya the whole time. But when life comes right at ya full force well just brace yourself because we all fail.

In the midst of me failing, and I mean utterly, down to the bone failing hard core, I was able to reach out and talk to somebody. This somebody, man are they awesome! I was embarrassed with how I was thinking, embarrassed with how I was dealing with things. Frankly just straight up ashamed of myself. But my friend reminded me that ya know this journey I'm on isn't a race. I'm not going to kick this thing over night. I'm not just magically better. Obstacles are going to come! But the most important thing is that I'm moving forward! Some people could be running and improving really well in their journey. Others might be walking. For me, babe I'm fricken crawling. I'm like a baby on all fours crawling through this thing. But I take it day-by-day. I have to remind myself that a step is a step. Doesn't matter how small. Doesn't matter how big. I'm going forward the best way I know how and I can't compare my successes to anyone else.

I just want to give a big thanks to my team. Sooooo happy y'all are in my life. You chicas inspire me more than you know and I hold you guys so close to my heart! I don't know how the stars aligned that I got each of you in my life but I'm so happy y'all are!

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